
On December 3, 2020, due to the persistent effects of the pandemic situation and related countermeasures, we addressed a second open letter to the Czech Conference of Rectors and to the Council of Universities, where we appeal for revision of individual study plans, sufficient information of doctoral students and non-discrimination of doctoral students in English-language programs.

The full text of the letter can be found below.

On October 14, we addressed an open letter to the Czech Conference of Rectors and to the Council of Universities to ensure that, during the current state of emergency the doctoral students are treated as early career researchers, regardless of whether or not they have a formal employee status at their university. By no means do we want to question the legitimacy of the measures in place. However, we call for doctoral students not to face more obstacles in terms of their research than this situation brings to other academic staff.

The text of the letter can be found below.

On 30 June 2020, the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports approved its' Strategic Plan for Higher Education for the period from 2021.


An important part is the chapter devoted to doctoral studies. Increasing the quality and effectiveness of doctoral studies is one of the main priorities of the strategic plan.

21. 12. 2016 od 18:00,

v nekuřáckém salonku Café Montmartre, Řetězová 7, Praha 1.


Vánoční večírek proběhne v méně formálním duchu, bude čas potkat se v klidu a míru s ostatními, bilancovat uplynulý rok, probrat co nás čeká a co nás naopak mine... :-).

V neposlední řadě budete mít také příležitost setkat se se zástupci Fóra Věda žije! (sesterské organizace ČAD). Akce je otevřená nejen našim skalním členkám a členům, ale i všem, kdo s námi alespoň trochu sympatizují! :-).

I když se prostory a termín povedlo sehnat takto na poslední chvíli, věřím, že dorazíte v hojném počtu. 
