
26. - 27. 5. 2022 the Quality Evaluation of the Universities Conference (HKVS) took place in Telč. ČAD was represented in two panels.

Our chair Šárka talked on the topic of "Social (In)security of Doctoral Researchers" in the panel about the ongoing reform of doctoral education and the conditions of doctoral researchers.

Jakub had a presentation on the "Lessons from France and the Netherland in the area of doctoral education" in the panel about The experience and standards from abroad for quality in doctoral programs. 

A short report from the conference (in Czech only) can be found at...

In her commentary (in Czech) for the Alarm online daily, Šárka Lojdová, the Chair of ČAD, reacts to the interview (in Czech) with Jaroslav Miller, the new Deputy Minister of Education, Youth and Sports and to the intention of bringing doctoral scholarships on par with the minimum wage level. While this would mean a significant increase in doctoral researchers’ income, Šárka is convinced that the idea of early career researchers not deserving more than a minimum wage needs to be challenged.

Šárka Lojdová, "Výše doktorandských stipendií je ostudná. Začínající vědci by neměli pobírat minimální...

At the occasion of the 5th anniversary of ČAD establishment that we celebrated last autumn, Kateřina Cidlinská and Šárka Lojdová, the founder and former Chair of ČAD and the current Chair, respectively, gave an interview (in Czech) to the Universitas magazine, in which they commented on, among others, our expectations concerning the doctoral education reform, the need for systematic employment of doctoral researchers and our vision of supervisor standards.

Zuzana Keményová, "Od doktorandské reformy si slibujeme hodně: víc peněz i času na výzkum", Universitas, 6. prosince 2021. https://www...

On December 2, 2021, the General Assembly adopted the proposed amendments to the ČAD Statutes and the Electoral Code. Both documents are now also available in English.

V rámci valného shromáždění proběhnou i volby do předsednictva. Sledujete aktivity ČAD a rádi byste se do nich více zapojili? Budeme moc rádi, když se k nám přidáte a předsednictvo rozšíříte! Více info najdete na pozvánce.


Termíny informačních schůzek pro zájemce o členství v předsednictvu

Chcete-li nejprve zjistit, jak se do chodu ČAD zapojit, nebo co členství v předsednictvu obnáší, připravili jsme pro Vás neformální informační online setkání se současným...

We are very happy to announce the publication of ČAD's guide for new PhD researchers to which many of our members have contributed and helped with its creation. Although the document is currently only in Czech, we believe that the result of the several-month collaborative effort will serve as a useful tool for those who are about to start their doctorates. If you know of someone who could use it, we will be very grateful if you help by sharing it!

We will further update the guide in the future and incorporate further comments and feedback. That being said, we have already noticed and are...

The Czech Association of PhD Researchers (ČAD) welcomes the activities of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports aimed at the gradual implementation of the Strategic plan of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports 2021+.

As part of the reform of doctoral study funding, ČAD considers it necessary to provide students in doctoral study programs with conditions enabling them to devote themselves fully to the dissertation research, prevent the creation of abysmal income differences between these doctoral students and at the same time guarantee sufficient social security protection...

The ČAD Board recently initiated a more pronounced collaboration with the Student Chamber of the Council of HEIs (SK RVŠ). In their program declaration (in Czech only) the Chamber aims to push the norm of treating doctoral researchers as early career researchers, not just students. Together with ČAD, the chamber supports the idea of the doctoral researchers' employment initiatives and acknowledges the urgency of their social security coverage.

The willingness to join our efforts was expressed in the Memorandum of Understanding (in Czech only), signed by the ČAD Chair, Šárka Lojdová and the...

On December 3, 2020, due to the persistent effects of the pandemic situation and related countermeasures, we addressed a second open letter to the Czech Conference of Rectors and to the Council of Universities, where we appeal for revision of individual study plans, sufficient information of doctoral students and non-discrimination of doctoral students in English-language programs.

The full text of the letter can be found below.

On October 14, we addressed an open letter to the Czech Conference of Rectors and to the Council of Universities to ensure that, during the current state of emergency the doctoral students are treated as early career researchers, regardless of whether or not they have a formal employee status at their university. By no means do we want to question the legitimacy of the measures in place. However, we call for doctoral students not to face more obstacles in terms of their research than this situation brings to other academic staff.

The text of the letter can be found below.