If you are interested in becoming a member of ČAD, the Registration form can be found here.*
Membership in ČAD is voluntary, free and open to all pursuing doctoral programs in the Czech Republic. Membership expires after 2 years from graduation. Detailed conditions of membership are explained in the Charter.
*After filling in the registration form, the Board will send you an email notifying you of the approval or disapproval of your membership. At the moment your receive an approval email, you become a member of ČAD.
ČAD is the first platform in the Czech Republic that brings together doctoral researchers across all disciplines, increases their awareness of what is happening in the academic environment, solves their problems and defends their interests. There is no uniform conception of doctoral studies in the Czech Republic, so the quality and conditions of study vary considerably from one institution to another. Let's inform each other about good practice, share our problems and then solve them together! NO ONE ELSE WILL DO IT FOR YOU.
Join and shape the future of ČAD.
ČAD members will be:
- informed in a timely manner about all activities of ČAD and about the latest events in the Czech academic environment related to doctoral studies
- able to join all ČAD activities and actively participate in them
- able to vote in the elections and be elected to the ČAD board
There are no obligations arising from ČAD membership.