Invitation to ČAD General Assembly (5. 2. 2025, 18:30)

Dear colleagues,

Next General Assembly (GA) of ČAD will be held on February 5, 2025, from 18:30. The date was chosen based on the survey on the most suitable date. Thank you to everyone who participated. 

The main goal of this GA will be the election of the new Board. The Assembly will take place online on the Zoom platform:

The ADoodle voting system proved to be very effective in terms of speed and transparency at the last GA. We therefore plan to use it at the upcoming GA as well. However, we keep the Helios Voting system if necessary as a back-up. 

This time, we kindly ask you to fill out the pre-registration form, which will allow us to better stick to the GA time schedule.

If you want to run for the Board, in the pre-registration form you will find space for a short personal presentation, which you can use to introduce yourself to ČAD members in advance. Please fill out the presentation in the form at least 10 days before the General Assembly, or send it to We will share the candidates' presentations (maximum 0.5 standard pages = 900 characters) with all members 7 days before the General Assembly.


The form will also allow you to run for the position of a member of the Electoral Commission.

The form is voluntary and is not a condition for participation in the GA or any of the candidacies, but we still kindly ask that you use it to the maximum extent possible to ensure an efficient process and save time for all of us.

Furthermore, as with previous GAs, we are sending materials (Minutes, Report of the Electoral Commission, presentations and more) for the GA of December 17. You can also find the ČAD Statutes and the ČAD Electoral Rules under the following link:


In the second part, the GA will discuss amendments of the Statutes and the Electoral Rules of ČAD. If you have suggestions for changes, please use the following form. Ideally, please send your suggestions no later than 10 days before the GA.

The discussion, analysis of proposals, and the possibility of submitting counter-proposals will take place on the updated version of the ČAD Discussion Platform, which will be launched in early 2025 as a Discord Channel. Discord is a tested system for structured communication and community building. However, the platform will also serve to discuss a much wider range of topics than just amendments to ČAD's internal regulations.


Preliminary program of the General Assembly (GA) 18:30–21:00

18:30–18:45 Opening, organizational matters, approval of the Electoral Commission

18:45–19:30 Elections of the new Board (VOTE)

19:30–20:00 Discussion on the goals of ČAD for 2025

(possible vote on a resolution(s) if deemed desirable by the GA) (VOTE) 

20:00-20:45 Discussion on changes to the Statues and Electoral Code of ČAD

(possible vote on proposed amendments) (VOTE)

20:45–21:00 Final discussion, closure of the GA 

We hope that as many of you as possible will attend the General Assembly. We are convinced that pre-registration will speed up the GA, which will give us more time for constructive discussions and involvement of all of us. 

Thank you for your understanding; we appreciate the active interest of our members in the functioning of ČAD. 


In the new year, we wish you much strength and perseverance in your studies and many small and big joys of life. 


Your ČAD Board

Klára, Kuba, Marie, Zbyněk