Higher income for doctoral researchers? Better than nothing, but the theat of brain drain from the Czech Republic continues

ČAD Chair Šárka Lojdová in her commentary for the journal Deník referendum reacted to the statement of Helena Langšládlová, the Minister for Science and Reserch in Hospodářské noviny. Our Chair adresses the ongoing reform of doctoral educaion in teh Czech Republic, which intends to increase and guarantee a minimal level of dotoral stipend for doctoral researchers at the 1,2 times level of the minimal salary. She also comments on the overall dismal situation of salaries of academic workers in the Czech republic, particularly in the social sciences and humantiites, and on the need for adequate funding of science.


Šárka Lojdová. Vyšší odměny doktorandům? Lepší než nic, ale odliv mozků z ČR hrozí dál, Deník Referendum.